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                                                                                                 Application                                                    Download Application                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Yolanda Osby Memorial Scholarship  


All questions must be answered fully and accurately.  The information contained in this application will be kept confidential. Please submit the completed application to  The Lionel and Cathlene Butler Foundation, 10026 Sagecourt  Drive, Houston, Texas 77089, and request the high school to send an official transcript to the same address. 



Name  _____________________________________________________________    Marital Status _________

Residential Address_________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                  (No. and Street)                                                            (City)                           (State)          (Zip Code)                                                                                                                                  

Contact Information:  Phone: ___________________    Email: _________________________________________

Age ______       Date of Birth  _______________________          Place of Birth  ____________________________                                                                         (Month, Date, Year)                                                                         (City, State)



Mother’s (Guardian’s) Name:  _______________________________________________________________________

His/Her Employer _________________________________________    Annual Household Income ____________

Do you live in the same household as your parent or guardian named above ? Circle  Yes or No.  If  the answer is 'No', please explain.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What percent of your current support is being provided by your biological father ? _____________________  

Total number of dependents claimed by your parent or guardian on the last federal tax filing ? __________

Please show below the full names, ages and current grade levels (including college) of dependents claimed by your head of household in the last federal income tax filing.

                                                            FULL NAME                                                                                        AGE                         GRADE

_______________________________________________________                  _________          ___________

_______________________________________________________                  _________          ___________

_______________________________________________________                  _________          ___________

_______________________________________________________                  _________          ___________



APPLICATION: (Continued, Page 2 of 3)


Please describe any unusual household financial problems or obligations you would like to share.


Please indicate below any employment you held during high school or college. Please indicate whether work was during the school session and whether in the evenings or on weekends, or during the summer.

                      Start                     End                                                      Employer                                                         Type of Work                                                        Mo. / Yr              Mo. / Yr 

              _________        _________       _______________________________         ______________________

              _________        _________       _______________________________         ______________________

              _________        _________       _______________________________         ______________________

              _________        _________       _______________________________         ______________________



Please have separately an official high school transcript or other document from your graduating high school submitted to the Fund attesting to your satisfactory completion.  This information should include your grade point average (GPA) and/or your class ranking.  In addition, please include the following information on this application below:

Your GPA (Example, 2.5 out of 4)            _____________________________

Your class ranking. (Please check one )   Upper _________  Middle ________   Lower  ____________

List below the three high school subjects you performed your best in.

First ______________________   Second________________________ Third _________________________



Please list below the extracurricular school activities you have participated in such as band, athletics, drama, etc. Designate by each activity the grade in high school during which you participated. (For example: Band: all grades; Football: 11-12th grades)


Please list special honors and achievements you have received (honor societies, crafts, trades, skills, etc.)

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list your favorite recreation and hobbies.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



APPLICATION: (Continued, Page 3 of 3)



Please list the colleges you have applied to and indicate the current status of the application, i.e., pending or approved.

First Choice      ______________________________________________________________________________________

Second Choice _______________________________________________________________________________________

Third Choice    _______________________________________________________________________________________

For what career do you wish to prepare ?  _____________________________________________________________

Please list any financial assistance you have applied for and indicate the current status, i.e., pending or approved (Examples of assistance: work/study, scholarships, grants, etc.).

                              Type of Assistance                                                                             Name of School                                        Amount

  __________________________________           ____________________________________       _________

  __________________________________           ____________________________________       _________

  __________________________________           ____________________________________       _________

A Scholarship awarded by the YOMS will be a supplement to your college education.  How do you plan to use these funds ?



Please list the names, contact information, and addresses of three persons not related to you that the Foundation may contact as references, and ask these three references to write a letter of recommendation and forward to the Foundation.                             (This information may be emailed). 

                                      Name                                             Contact Information (Phone, email)                             Position / Job Title

____________________________     ____________________________________        ______________________________________________     ____________________________________        __________________

____________________________      ____________________________________        __________________

ADDITIONAL REMARKS  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  I certify that to the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this application is true.

     Signature  _______________________________________________  Date _________________________

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